
Hate: Anaclasis
Hate - Anaclasis - [Listenable Records]


Jesus H. Christ, I don’t know what are they feeding those Polish metal bands, but the death metal ones out there are some of the most extreme, precise, and brutal bands this world has to offer, and Hate sit comfortably on top of the heap, among such illustrious compadres as Vader and Behemoth.

About a year ago I reviewed their their last release, Awakening Of The Liar here, and I raved, spewing at the mouth about the sheer proficiency and technical prowess of those involved, mainly the writing skills of main man "Adam The First Sinner", whose deep growling vocals and ingenious guitar riffs are the center of the band.

This time the band continues shooting one brutal track after another, but with a twist, Adam has discovered Industrial ideas and motifs, and uses them quite freely in the music, so its still brutal and yet technical death metal, but with noises and rhythms that originate from Industrial music, a strange beast indeed.

The requested question is, does it work? Well, 90% of the time, it does.

Tracks such as Hex and Malediction actually sound fresh and interesting thanks to the new styling of the band, the industrial ideas sit in well with the intelligent riffs and massive drumming, and adds some different tastes, and an added sophistication to the mix.

The opening track, on the other hand, is a bit hindered by it, it seems to feel unconnected, a bit forced, the track still manages to crash, thanks to the great riffs and the almost mechanical drumming, but it feels a bit…too much.

All in all, this is one death metal band that can't put it's foot wrong, some of the greatest riffs in any death album, precise drumming, really deep death growls, and an air of misanthropy, its all there, but since this one comes with a twist, proceed with Caution.

Alon Miasnikov

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