
Rivers Cuomo: Alone: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo
Rivers Cuomo - Alone: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo - [Geffen Records]


First- some background: Rivers Cuomo is the singer of Weezer, an American rock band that is most famous for some hit songs from the end of the previous century…
This Album is a collection of home recordings and Demos spanning the last 15 years.
I'll be the first to admit- I will never understand what possessed me to listen to this album in the first place…I can't believe that anyone, besides die-hard fans of Rivers or his band, would be able to enjoy this strange mixture.

I'll try to refer to this album for what it is- unedited musical leftovers and songs that were not good enough to be included in an album: before I say anything else,I need to point out the inconsistency of this CD- from vocal pieces to soft rock, folk, electro-rock with robot sounds and (drum roll) a cover version of rapper Ice Cube….
As you see- you probably won't be able to concentrate while listening, and predicting this album's content is nothing short of impossible.
This doesn't mean that there aren't any listenable rock and Weezer-like tunes amongst the mess: the second track, The World We Love So Much, is a nice quiet song, the songs Chess, Lemonade and Longtime Sunshine are exactly what you would expect from Weezer- Geek Rock, Wanda sounds like a folk ballad and I Was Made For You sounds like it might have been successful on some charts…We even got a Demo of Weezer's greatest hit- Buddy Holly.

I conclusion- this album was kind of annoying for me, and made me think about the reasons any artist would unleash such weirdness to the world…as a musical piece-this should have stayed in Cuomo's garage...

Approach with caution.

Kumeran Dalach

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