
Gorgons Eyes: Inglorious Birth
Gorgons Eyes - Inglorious Birth - [Pure Steel Records]


Gorgons Eyes story is a typical one amongst metal bands: formed in 1992, played covers for a while before beginning to create their own music, and replaced band members a few times. This is the band's second full-length album-it is a mature heavy/power metal album that presents us with some nice tunes, although not without its flaws.

This album incorporates two types of metal music-some tracks are strictly heavy metal with powerful drumming, intense riffing and melodic choruses, while other tracks have a speed/power metal feel. The latter is when the band's at its best-the tempo fits them better, the guitar and rhythm section pick up the pace, and it seems that everyone has a good time while playing.

Guitar, bass and drums sound well throughout the album, nothing extremely special-but good solid metal. Vocals could be better though- the band's singer doesn't really have an English accent, and his singing abilities are a bit lacking. Sound and mixing are ok, but not stellar. Notwithstanding, this is a good album, definitely listenable, that will remind you of Hammerfall and Helloween.
The songs that I liked were Proud And Strong, Summon The Death and March Scatter Burn…

Kumeran Dalach

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