
Liquid Sphere: Blissful World
Liquid Sphere - Blissful World - [doctsect]


Listening to Blissful World for the first time, while trying to squeeze some information on this release from its' cover, I found myself wondering what's smaller: The letters on Liquid Sphere's CD cover or the actual minimal and ultra silent sounds this French dude is making. And then, after my neck was already hurting and my eyes were tired from trying to figure out what's the name of this album, track five "Official Public Warning " blasted with injurious noise (but with no warning) through my speakers, just as i approached Google to seek for Liquid Sphere's label on the net. From this point on Blissful World is taking a more listenable direction with more clear yet disturbing sounds, very similar to the analog electronics of Vromb or the static burps of Szkieve , with a strong drone like apocalyptic ambiance, to illustrate Liquid Sphere's revolt from world leaders , politicians and religions among others, who makes this world so bitter , hateful and in a permanent conflict , summing it up with the frightening shriek of "Positive Conclusive Statement" followed by a hidden ambient track .The calm before the storm? Right on!

Rani Zager

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