Austrian thrashers Enemy Inside can best be described as an old school thrash band, with some hardcore elements, the main word which can be used to describe this self-released debut album is – Raw.
Taking their cue from some classic 80's thrash, the guys keep it simple and basic, with no show stopping playing, but rather concentrating on short, aggressive numbers, not to badly produced, with the vocals being closer to death metal than to more melodic thrash ones, it works fine most of the time, but still needs some further honing and sharpening.
Opener "I Am Your Master" is a nice mid-paced thrash number, some solid riffs and a catchy chorus, I wasn't sure about the vocals, though, it seems the band should turn less into death growls and more into a bit cleaner verses for them to be more clearly a thrash band.
There are fast and furious bits, such as the extremely aggressive "Madness Takes It's Toll", speedy thrash in the vein of old Nuclear Assault. There are some changes too, Traitor opens with a slow and darker vibe which sounds different than most stuff on the album.
It's far from being prefect, and as I said, its very raw, but the band has something going for it, which it just needs to sharpen more, the basis is already there.
Alon Miasnikov