
Human Paranoid: Breed Of Cain
Human Paranoid - Breed Of Cain - [Eigenproduktion]


Old school thrashers Human Paranoid have done several good things with this release, but have yet to mature in several other motifs.
Evidently taking their queue from early and aggressive thrash in the vein of early Slayer and Kreator, the band makes use of some sold thrash riffing and strong, double-bass drumming, being self-produced, without the benefit of a label backing, the album sounds decent, but far from well produced, drums especially come through as a bit blurred.

The album starts off well enough with Breed Of Cain, the title track shows off the band's strengths, which lie in the solid riffing and smart and catchy structure, its quite an aggressive mixture which works well.

The vocals are not your typical screamed thrash vocals, they're much closer to death metal growls, the vocalist certainly is aggressive enough, but I think he should maintain a certain style, and probably more traditional screams than deep death growls, his sense of rhythm is very good and the lyrics he writes are also top notch most of the time.

There's some diversity here, in the form of the German written Schone Jugend, which has some slower, more doom oriented riffs, but most of the time its fast, raw sounding thrash. This band has some maturing to do, but they certainly have what it takes to sign a deal and release a much more coherent album.

Alon Miasnikov

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