
Ringworm: Justice Replaced By Revenge
Ringworm - Justice Replaced By Revenge - [Victory Records]


It's been four years since Cleveland's hardcore unit Ringworm had their last release, and it seems that none of their trademark aggression was lost, if anything, they sound meaner and angrier than ever, with a much better sound this time as well.
The album doesn’t outstay its welcome, one fast number after the other, metallic hardcore with thrash aggression, sometimes reminiscent of Pro-Pain, but with a more Punkish attitude, something Like Agnostic Front on Steroids.

The title track is reason enough to get the album, it’s a fast thrill-seeker with a mean chorus, the vocalist, HF (Human Furnace, a most befitting name) shouts his hatred and animosity towards the world in general and the listener specifically, and it works great.

I have but a few problems with this release- it could use more diversity, (apart from the acoustic Whisky Drunk) and some of the pieces tend to use a bit too much instrumental movements, songs here are best when served short and sweet, and prolonging them at times is counter-productive.

All in all, it kicks ass, it's aggressive, and its very professional sounding, not a ground braking release, but a definite bone-breaker.

Alon Miasnikov

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