
Seven Thornes: Artificial Night
Seven Thornes - Artificial Night - [Unsigned]


It’s a bit diffuclt writing a review of a two song demo, but I think I can describe the band's music with relative ease.

7 Thorns are a relatively young band, starting out in 98' ; they create power metal in the European styling of such bands as Gamma Ray and Helloween; meaning-fast and highly melodic power metal with plenty of lead guitar work.

For a two song demo this is of extremely high quality, two long songs, each longer than seven minutes, it sounds well produced and quite mature, with a few progressive elements in there as well.

The two things that elevate this band above plenty of others are the fine guitar work, very well done and plentiful, and the strong vocals by Thomas, the band's vocalist, that has a strong, mid-range power metal voice.

This will appeal to fans of Sonata Arctica, who also depend heavily on keyboard background in the music, and fans of melodic power metal bands as a whole, it’s a bit hard to hear the band's range with two songs, but as far as two song demos go, this is very well done.

Alon Miasnikov

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