
Aphasia: Fact & Fiction
Aphasia - Fact & Fiction - [DRT Entertainment]


Aphasis are a rather young band hailing from California, this is their debut album, and the fact it was produced by Trapt's Chris Brown and released by major label DRT Entertainment certainly shows that certain people recognized the potential in the band. the fact that the first single from the album, the opener "Flatline", was featured in Steven Spielberg's War Of The Worlds seems to suggest that those people bet their money on a winning horse.

But fame and fortune aside, are they any good? The answer is a resounding YES, even though I am usually into heavier bands, they just have something that clicks, they manage to create good, solid rock songs, most with a hook that doesn’t let go, "Flatline" is the obvious example, with its great chorus, the emotional lyrical content and fine vocal delivery, but it's not the only such track on the album.

They use a formula of moving back and forth between clean and distorted guitars accompanied by melodic vocals with a harsher edge at times, most tracks maintain a correct balance of these elements, with a few moments that overuse the softer side of the band, such as the quite bit near the end of "Away From You", and the similar one in "Then Again" that comes off as a bit too MTV sweet.

They manage a change in the formula in "Release", which has a quieter, grungy vibe to it, and in "Push For New", that starts with a Creed-like riff before using a more complex clean segment, such tracks inject more color and flavor to the album, breaking away from the big chorus anthems that consist the majority of it.

"We All" is a heavier track, they sound a bit like Incubus during the verses, but the overall feel of the track is a more punkish, specifically during the chorus.

Closing the album is its longest track, "Clarity At Heights", it combines the quite-loud formula and the emotional vocals with longer ethereal verses, and then goes into an almost silent guitar segment that fades out, before re-appearing as an acoustical, southern rock tinged ending.

It's not a prefect album, some tracks seem to try too hard, and a few of the softer moments sound forced, but it's definitely enjoyable, has a couple of great rock anthems, and some different, more sophisticated stuff as well, and though melodic, it isn’t burdened by too many unneeded ornaments, it sounds basic and honest, and that is its main strength.

Alon Miasnikov

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