Nanowar - Other Bands Play, Nanowar Gay
Man, this is the funniest stuff I've heard in a long time.
The really scary stuff is that this band, painted as the Village People and making fun of Manowar's "true" metal, while mincing and dicing other metal bands, have created a great power metal album!
The sound is all right, much better than can be expected, but it’s the tight musicianship that really threw me off balance, great, and I man, great vocals, no lesser than any Italian power metal band, really tight rhythm section, and amazing guitar work, these guys have what it takes to become the next Rhapsody, in the meantime they make do with making a joke of the above mentioned band, especially with King, with its great combination of power metal and a folk sounding violin.
Of course, the main recipients of the band's ridicule are Manowar, who can survive a line such as "When we're in town, posers explode" and not crack up? And that's just a taste of the Manowar medley,the rest is equaly hilarious.
Track such as the opening Tricycles Of Steel may be ridiculous, but they contain some of the most catchy, driving metal riffs this side of Italy, I mean it, these guys have talent to spare.
The use of Italian language just adds flavor to the album, I don’t know shit about what they're saying, but it sounds funny, it's even funny when they turn another classic metal track into "The Number Of The Bitch", and just listen to their guitarist doing a one-by-one of the original guitar lead… As I said, talent to spare.
Go out and get this album somehow, you'll laugh while banging your head.
Alon Miasnikov