
The Great Deceiver: Terra Incognito
The Great Deceiver - Terra Incognito - [Peaceville Records]


I presume that Tomas Lindberg needs no introduction, At The Gates’ legendary vocalist is well known to metal fans here in the holy land not only because of his days as a vocalist in one of death metal’s greatest bands but also from the live gig he did here, accompanied by members of betrayer (RIP), who preformed classic At The Gates tracks with him.

The Great Deceiver, a name borrowed from the first track in the classic album “Starless And Bible Black” by progressive rock giants, King Crimson, was created not long after his departure from At The Gates, a first EP was released prior to their signing with heavy metal legend factory, Peaceville Records, from the UK, who released the band’s first album, and who’s second album, Terra Incognito, they are about to release as well.

Those expecting a rehash of At The Gates, are in for a surprise, the band is a strange variation upon hard-core music, yet unlike any hard core you’ve heard before.

The album opens swiftly enough with Today, a unique drum rhythm carries one hard core riff after the other, with only Tomas’s murderous screams making any visible connotation to death metal.
The sound is perfect, courtesy of SYL’s and Darkane’s producer, Daniel Bergstrand.
The continuing riffs, as the song progresses, are not your typical hard core riffs, yet more rock oriented, although much more heavily distorted, they lend the song a somewhat more accessible feel to it.

Second track, We, The Dead, has a deeper nu metal character, with Tomas’s vocals again pressing the mold, driving us into the realms of death metal, unattainable by any other hard core band.

Musical boundaries are stretched during lake of sulphur, also the first video clip of the album, an electronic laden beginning leads to a song that borders on the industrial and electronic genres, without a doubt, a unique slab of metal (?).

From Bereavement To Resignation is a true standout track, metallic, interesting, with some riffs more than slightly reminiscent of Machine Head, this and Faust In Exile are the strongest cuts in my opinion.

Even though this is not your average death metal album, and not standard hard core, I believe that fans of both genres will enjoy it, with its ear catching melodies, interesting use of clean vocals, quite out of character for Tomas, his inferno born death growls, dynamic drumming, one of the best I heard in a while, and solid riffs, but most importantly-good songs.

It’s a good buy, trust me.

Alon Miasnikov

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