
Incapacity: Chaos Complete
Incapacity - Chaos Complete - [Cold Records]


Old School!

I just love that phrase! It brings on a warm fuzzy feeling of nostalgia in my tummy, some interpret old school as frank Sinatra tracks, but for me its either thrash or death tunes that were seemingly drawn out of the 80’s, the time of classic bands such as massacre and defecation, the decade were thrash left its mark forever upon our world.

Incapacity are a Swedish band, one of many, that operate in the realm of old school death, with some thrash-like similarities, the band is a combo of some veteran death metal merchants that abided by cold’ records main man’s suggestion and created a unit which is both real old school and of high quality.

From its initial track, well-produced by the guy who produced Carnal Gorge’s albums, among others, Jonas Kjellgren, its evident that the band can muster their instruments well, another revelation is that that they like it fast, the first track doesn’t stand by too long before going into a murderous blast beat, accompanied by a driving thrash riff.
Here lies the band’s allure, its ability to combine aggressive death metal, with more melodic, thrash inclined riffs.

The vocalist is a growler of the lower scale of death vocals, also adding an element to the interesting mix of ingredients, the grind core rhythm section, the thrash-like riffs, and the brutal, Six Feet Under-ish vocals.

It all works, the band gives brutal fun at its best, and old school enthusiasts will find much to ogle at.

Nothing new here, but what they do, they do well!

Alon Miasnikov

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