
Necromantia sign with Dockyard1

Dockyard1 is proud to add Black Metal pioneers Necromantia to its roster. Necromantia are a Greek black metal band which started back in 1989 and are considered as one of the most respected black metal bands worldwide.
Necromantia were pioneers of the Second Wave of Black Metal along with Darkthrone, Emperor, Samael, Enslaved, Impaled Nazarene, Rotting Christ e.t.c. Their unique music style and dedication in the Black Arts established them as one of the leading bands from Europe along with their countrymates Rotting Christ.
It has been a long time since their last album, but now Necromantia are preparing their new opus, out on November 2007!

The band states about the album:
"The working title is 'The Sound of Lucifer Storming Heaven', and be prepared for a mix of harsh black metal, dark orchestrations and ritualistic parts the Necromantia way! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!"
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