
Naglfar: Diabolical
Naglfar - Diabolical - [Regain Records]


The five chaps in Naglfar step to the mic with
creepy keyboards, hummingbird guitars, blast
beats, and yet another crazed muppet for a
singer. This 1998 album was re-issued recently,
but was that really necessary? I searched the
lyrics for something without all the horror and
chaos typically associated with standard black
metal ditties, and found these key-words and
phrases, some repeated:

“ kill, nightsky prophecy, haunt me, sin,
hate, pain, blood, sorcery, cold voids of
eternity, death, shadows, shadow of death, fate,
eternal night, plagues, horncrowned majesty,
grief, lord of fire, foul, Lucifer’s domain, soul
insane, sulphur kingdom, abyss, infernal
masterplan, blackhearted, faceless, bringer of
storms, broken wings, the sweet sound of angels
crying, bodies torn, saturate the heavens with
their blood, brimstone gate, Thanatos, Pariah,
Lucifer, Hypnos, apocalypse, scorching heat,
rebirth of evil, raped, shredded tears,
damnation, hell-fires, lost souls, crumble to
dust, lamentations, cascades of fire, wicked
ones, virgin hearts impaled, stygian supremacy,
demon wings, and burning eyes”.

Considering that those lines are just in the
first three tracks, Diabolical is rather
hellish and slow going if you’ve an appetite for
musical ground even remotely fresh.

Jason Thornberry

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