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  Sacred Reich

"=Updated= 5-23-07
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This is your one stop =SR= info source on the net.
Sacred Reich was a band and my name is Wiley.
I played lead guitar for the band from 1986 to 1999.
I started this page Jan, 1. 1997 to keep friends and
fans of the band up to date with the Sacred details.
Now it is more of a commemorative website sharing
10 years of the bands achievements,
Failures and dreams
with all interested. Don't forget to check out my THC
 while your surfing around, Enjoy the site!!

So,.. if you're a fan of the band or are just passing
through...Come back from time to time and see what's new.
Meanwhile,... Surf some of the pages through out the site.
Images, sounds, lyrics, interviews, record reviews, news,
merchandise, story's, equipment, PC goodies and more!!
Thanx for stopping by!

Wiley - THC  

SACRED REICH 1986-99 All Rights Reserved. // Wiley Publishing 2005